Traveling around in some of our favorite scenery with one gorgeous view and campsite after another.
Being able to stop at Natural Bridges National Monument to take a hike on opening day. With all the closures, we’ve missed so many other monuments and parks.
Starting to meet up with other trucks (and their people) that are like ours…
Meeting up with old friends like Heather (another one!) and her husband Lal in Moab and spending several days together catching up, eating great food, hiking, biking and camping. We hadn’t seen each other in 9 years.
Being near the water again.. whatever water we can find! This time, Antelope Island State Park in Salt lake City. I loved this place!
And doing all of these things with Jon, my best pal, the best thing that ever happened to me.
We are currently headed north, hoping to greet a few more cruising friends, summer (if it gets here) and be ready for a lot of backcountry camping along with some truck projects. Although it doesn’t feel too summery at the moment!